
Corvids · 06. January 2020
Food in the wild is getting to be at a premium. In summer, groups of jackdaws with their young descend excitedly to the garden and socialize while grabbing food, hanging out when it's gone, etc. This morning, Granite (left) and her mate came by, and whereas in summer they both stroll around nonchalantly, getting pretty close to me and not minding if I'm moving, using the garden as a stopping point for safe grooming and napping, being choosy about which cat food grains they select, etc., this...
Corvids · 28. December 2019
This is Ashes. I have no idea what she calls herself (and I'm only 85% certain she's female). As you can see she's leucistic. I only see her a few times a year, but she's learned I'm usually holding, and swings by for some cat food if she sees me.
Corvids · 25. December 2019
This is my friend Alastor (the crow; the human is me). My kid and I were on our way to get a present for a friend, on the way to his birthday party. After much consideration and research we'd decided to get a Mad-Eye Moody pop doll, which was available downtown. As we approached a bus stop I use frequently we saw something in the gutter, in the distance. Later we discovered that we both thought, independently (paraphrased), "Oh look, a bird, no, never mind, it's a trash bag blowing in the...